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Manual setup

Follow these steps:

  1. Install the package from npm.

    npm install -D eslint eslint-config-sheriff
  2. Create a eslint.config.mjs file at the root of your project and copy/paste the contents of the following snippet of code:

    import { sheriff, tseslint } from "eslint-config-sheriff";

    const sheriffOptions = {
    react: false,
    next: false,
    astro: false,
    lodash: false,
    remeda: false,
    playwright: false,
    jest: false,
    vitest: false,

    export default tseslint.config(sheriff(sheriffOptions));

    or, if you already have a eslint.config.mjs in your project, just append Sheriff to the configs array, like this:

    import { sheriff, tseslint } from "eslint-config-sheriff"; // add this
    // my other imports...

    // add this
    const sheriffOptions = {
    react: false,
    next: false,
    astro: false,
    lodash: false,
    remeda: false,
    playwright: false,
    jest: false,
    vitest: false,

    export default tseslint(
    sheriff(sheriffOptions), // add this
    // my other configurations...
  3. Adopt eslint.config.ts (optional).

    If you want to have a .ts configuration file (learn more) instead of the default .js file, follow these steps:

    • make sure your installed ESLint version is >=9.9.0 (preferably >=9.18.0. See why)

    • install jiti

      npm install -D jiti
    • change the extension of eslint.config.mjs from .mjs to .ts

    • define the types of the sheriffOptions object:

      import { sheriff, type SheriffSettings, tseslint } from "eslint-config-sheriff";

      const sheriffOptions: SheriffSettings = {
      react: false,
      next: false,
      astro: false,
      lodash: false,
      remeda: false,
      playwright: false,
      jest: false,
      vitest: false,

      export default tseslint.config(sheriff(sheriffOptions));
  4. Configure Sheriff (optional)

  5. Setup Prettier (optional)

  6. Setup VSCode support (optional)


Sheriff is based on the new format of ESLint configs. You cannot extend Sheriff from an old config format, it wouldn't work.